Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Easter Week, Don't You Just Love Spring

Thursday, February 14, 2008

To everyone who may visit today I wish you a very Happy Valentines Day! I would send you flowers and chocolate if I could. I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I last posted. That tells you how dull things have been here, or maybe I should say how busy. Yep, I'm sitting at work at my desk, waiting for a state report to run and thought I should at least wish everyone who may stop by a wonderful day.

Friday, February 1, 2008
My First Dotee Dollie
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Rain Rain Go Away

It's been raining for days in Northern California and that doesn't allow my little Tinker Bell to play outside much. So while I was changing my bed linens this morning, she grabbed my jammie bottoms and her favorite beanie babie to make herself at home on my pillow. Dressed in her favorite sweater she was just too darn cute. She was all snuggled up for a restful, lazy day. Now get off so I can make the bed.
I visited A lot of Little Things blog yesterday and Willzmom had a video of Paul Anka's The Times of Your Life. It really brought back such great memories.
I realize that as you age, the times of your life can go back to some really special times. Mine were of hopscotch with neighbor kids, spending hours on our bellies looking for 4 leaf clovers, playing cards for hours in the backyard and walking in the gutters after a rain storm. Don't think I'll be putting on the rubber boots and visiting the gutters today.
I'm not sure how much fun those things would be for kids today but it was special back in the 50's. We didn't have as much to do back then. Does anyone remember trying to talk into the can with a long string? We tried for days to make it work. Today I guess they would call each other on their cell phones. Simple times then and I sound more like my mother every day.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
National Pie Day

Pay it forward. Hand out pie slices to strangers and encourage them to do the same for others. It could spread the peace on earth and goodwill to mankind that we all hope for.
Be a good Samaritan. Buy an extra pie at your local grocery store and give it to the person behind you in line. You may just change their life!
Reach out to new neighbors you haven’t met and bring them some pecan pie – it says your thoughtful. Stay awhile to get to know each other over pie and fill them in on the neighborhood.
Indulge your co-workers. Bring some pie to work – you’ll create a lot of good rapport and maybe even get a raise.
Surprise your significant other at work and bring him or her a pie to share with their coworkers.
Say thank you. Know a special someone who deserves some thanks? Maybe it’s a friend who did you a favor, your child’s teacher or your postal worker. What better way to say thanks than with a warm hug wrapped in a delicious crust?
Got a crush? Invite the “apple pie of your eye” for some pie and get to know each other better. But make it chocolate – most Americans believe it’s the most romantic pie. Before long, you may be calling each other “sweetie pie.”
Delight your family. Share the love and share your favorite memories together over a warm, fresh pie. Have older family members talk about the history behind the family favorites. Start a new tradition and publish pie memories and recipes, then send them to family members.
Spend time with your kids and make a pie together. Let them pick their favorite pie and show them how it’s done. They’ll be proud of their creation and have fond memories of you as the best parent ever for years to come!
Get caught up with friends and invite them over for some afternoon pumpkin pie. You can dish on all their latest news.
Eat pie. Whether you make it yourself, buy it at a supermarket or bakery or order it at a restaurant, perform a random act of pieness on yourself and enjoy some pie on National Pie Day – it’s great with lunch, dinner or as a late-night snack.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My Little Corner of the Room
Friday, January 18, 2008
I plan on going to another estate sale in the morning before working in the Room tomorrow. Then maybe to the flea market Sunday. I wonder where the name flea market came from? I finally got the camera out yesterday to see if I can take some pictures of my space to put on my new blog. Can't have a blog without some good pictures.
I'm so glad it's Friday and a 3 day weekend. Thanks Martin.